On occasion you start reading a book by a new author and you instantly know that you have just stumbled upon greatness. That is exactly what happened when I picked up Blaze of Glory by M. Garzon. Much like Sara Gruen in Water for Elephants, Garzon hooks the reader from the very beginning and doesn't let go until the last page. Her writing style is smooth, vividly descriptive, and easy to get lost in. Her characters are rich, well rounded, and she makes you feel as if you intimately know them.
There is an optimistic sentiment through the entire book for the characters to come out on top. You find yourself hoping that this family recovers from the personal trouble that they each face, and that they can begin to heal and grow as a family.
You don't need to be a horse enthusiast to enjoy this book. The constant undertow is a developing love story that is attractive to both the older teenager and the adult audience. This novel moves at an effortless pace that will have you curled up in your favorite chair reading well into the evening hours. This being Garzon's first novel, I can't wait to see what is next. One thing I know for sure is that this is a new author who is going to take the literary world by storm!
This sounds like a really interesting book. Can't wait to read this one.